Registration and abstract submission

Registration costs and dates

Early bird registration fees (before 31/03/2025):

Ordinary (Postdocs and higher)Students (up to Ph.D.)
SIDE15 250€ (in presence)220€ (in presence)
150€ (online)130€ (online)
ASIDE1550€ (in presence)no fee (in presence)
20€ (online)no fee (online)

Registration fees (after 31/03/2025):

Ordinary (Postdocs and higher)Students (up to Ph.D.)
SIDE15300€ (in presence)270€ (in presence)
180€ (online)160€ (online)
ASIDE1550€ (in presence)no fee (in presence)
20€ (online)no fee (online)

To register please fill the following form. During the registration procedure you will be able to select if you want to join the programmed excursion with visit at the grottoes of Catullo for an additional cost of 20€. For the fee payment please refer to the form our partners. In case of problems during the registration procedure and/or with payment of fees please contact the conference’s email address.

Refund policy: The cancellation of registration until the 31of March 2025 will be fully refunded. Cancellation from the 1st to the 30th of April will be refunded for the 70% of the amount paid. Cancellation received after the 30th of April will not be refunded.

Abstract submission

To submit an abstract please fill the template available at the url and and send it to the conference’s email address by the 31st of March 2025. In the template you can specify the type of contribution you are proposing, either a talk or a poster. The program of the conference will be available at the beginning of April 2025.

Financial support request

Limited financial support for a selected number of participants either early career researchers (Ph.D. students and post-doctoral researchers within 5 years of the Ph.D.) and retired people will be available provided they give a talk or a poster. To ask for financial support when submitting your abstract state it in your email and include your Curriculum Vitae with a publication list. Outcome of the financial support request will be given in early April 2025.